Go to the documentation of this file.
Double_t GetBz() const
Bz-Field at midpoint [T].
Double_t fY2
Exit point y [cm].
std::string ToString() const
Double_t fP
Momentum magnitude at entry point [GeV].
Double_t GetX2() const
Exit x coordinate [cm].
Double_t GetTime() const
Time [ns].
Double_t fY1
Entry point y [cm].
Double_t fZ2
Exit point z [cm].
Container class for a local point in a STS sensor.
Double_t GetY2() const
Exit y coordinate [cm].
Double_t fELoss
Energy deposit [GeV].
Double_t GetX1() const
Entry x coordinate [cm].
Double_t fBy
Magnetic field y component at midpoint [T].
Int_t GetPid() const
Particle ID [PDG].
virtual ~CbmStsSensorPoint()
Double_t GetZ2() const
Exit z coordinate [cm].
Double_t GetBy() const
By-Field at midpoint [T].
Double_t fZ1
Entry point z [cm].
Double_t fX1
Entry point x [cm].
Double_t fBz
Magnetic field z component at midpoint [T].
Double_t GetELoss() const
Energy loss [GeV].
Double_t GetBx() const
Bx-Field at midpoint [T].
Double_t GetP() const
Momentum magnitude.
Double_t GetZ1() const
Entry z coordinate [cm].
Double_t fX2
Exit point x [cm].
Double_t GetY1() const
Entry y coordinate [cm].
Int_t fPid
Particle Type [PDG code].
Double_t fBx
Magnetic field x component at midpoint [T].
ClassDef(CbmStsSensorPoint, 2)